NIKKOR Z. Årtier med nydefinering af objektivdesign, lige ved hånden.


NIKKOR Z | Spejlløse objektiver

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Long Lens Sport Photography | Nikon School meets Joel Marklund Join Nikon Ambassador Joel Marklund and Nikon School's Ricci Chera as they try out the all-new NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S super-telephoto lens. See how it performs as they put it to the test at a BMX cycle track.

The Technology & Features of Nikon Z Mount Lenses with Nikon School's Ricci Chera Experience the vast universe opening up to you through photography with the Nikon Z system. The ultra-wide Nikon Z mount enables compact lenses that can take in more light across the entire frame. Whether shooting stills of films, the light is brighter, depth is deeper, and sharpness is all the way to the edge.


NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 (SE)

Med en let konstruktion og en overlegen optisk ydeevne er NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 (SE)-objektivet perfekt egnet til at tage portrætter og andre stillbilleder, hvilket imponerer brugere uanset indstillingen. Den konstante maksimumblænde på f/2 gør det muligt for fotografer at skabe den smukkeste runde bokeh, og standardbrændvidden på 40 mm understreger det primære motiv.

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